Pepper&Carrot backstage video #1
We have made a backstage video showing our process of working on an animated version of Pepper&Carrot. This is the first video from the “making-of”
We have made a backstage video showing our process of working on an animated version of Pepper&Carrot. This is the first video from the “making-of”
We have launched a poll to let our Patrons to choose which episode of Pepper&Carrot Motion Comic we will produce next – https://community.morevnaproject.org/t/poll-next-episode-of-pepper-carrot-motion-comic-may-2021/177 If you
Do you want to watch closely how it goes with production of Pepper&Carrot Episode 3? I have good news for you! With this project we
Hi everyone! Just want to let you know that donation from Stephen Paul Weber has successfully arrived to our OpenCollective page! – https://opencollective.com/morevnaproject From this
I am thrilled to announce that we’ve got donation of 0.16372186 BTC (~$7500 as of the day of the transaction) for production of Pepper&Carrot Motion
This is a update to my previous post about incident of fraudulent donations coming for production of Pepper&Carrot Motion Comic. After publishing the post I
You probably remember that in July we’ve got an incredible flow of donations, which in turn triggered the start of our work on Episode 3
Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long, here is finally an early draft preview (animatic) of Pepper&Carrot Motion Comic Episode 3!
Stas Kholodilin finished work on animatic for Pepper&Carrot Episode 3. All source files of animatic now available in this GitLab repository. You can find quick
In previous report I have mentioned that this month we’ve got an incredible flow of donations and most of them coming from sales of Pepper&Carrot
Pepper & Carrot Episode 6 got a new fandub work! You might be remember a group of anime fans from 3dfdub studio (Tula, Russian Federation), who
Dear friends, here we are happy to publish a Dub Pack for “Pepper & Carrot Episode 6”! “Dub Pack” is a special version of the