Project status
Missing Demo snapshots? Wondering what exact project status is? Check this out:
Ivan Tsarevich – Character Layout (reworked)
Ah, my bad, changes, changes again. ^_^” During the past months Ivan character have been heavily reworked. And yeah, some parts of the Demo need to be corrected. But… this is The Path. I promise this is the last significant change in the characters appearance.
Synfig Studio packages update (svn2354)
Synfig Studio packages have been updated. Please grab them from the packages page. Major reasons to upgrade: Integrated support for “magick++” render target. More info: The “magick++” render target could be used for rendering gifs. During the discussions on WIPs we often use gif files
Merging draft images
Here’s a video about merging two similar images with different size/rotation in Synfig Studio. One image contains corrections for another, so it’s important to properly combine them together. Synfig has a few tricks allowing to handle this task with grace.
Morevna Packages
OpenSource software could evolve really fast and dramatically change behavior from version to version. Those changes could produce regressions. That’s why it is necessary for all Morevna Project members to use the same versions of production software. Blender is included in the repositories of all
Stickman animation
During the drawing of keyframes for scene 20 we decided to concertize the motion of Ivan by using stickman. Generally, making stickman in Synfig is a simple task, but this one – with forward kinematic. We made two videos about the process. First video is
Contributor’s Guide
When you are about to contribute to any project the main question is where to begin with. Working in collaboration on the Morevna project implies the use of various open-source tools. Git, wiki, make… All this stuff could confuse even the ones who are more
Underground Feed
Wondering what’s happening deep inside of morevnaproject right now? Meet the Morevna Project Underground Feed! Repository commits, wiki edits, blog posts and comments – every piece of information about project progress goes there. It is an easy way to track all changes made in different
Production Pipeline
Developing a project it is necessary to clearly understand a consequence and relations between the different stages. For that purpose we made a graphical schema of production pipeline for Morevna Project. Arrow, pointing from a task block A to a task block B, means what
Morevna Project Wiki
OK, it’s time to officially proclaim Morevna Project wiki opened. It is a place where we store and develop the most of concept documentation. And remember, we still need your help! There is a taskboard on the main page of the wiki – if you’re
Soldiers – Character Layout
We finally managed to finish post-processing for soldiers characters layout done for us by Ground Zero Studio Complex.
Camera widget
Synfig has no feature to manipulate camera view. Me and Genete arranged a workaround to have a camera fake using logarithm convert type and the zoom layer. Download Here’s the latest version of camera widget: camera-view-0.3.sifz. License: Public Domain. You could find instructions on it’s