OpenToonz (Morevna Edition) released

We’ve just released a small but important update for OpenToonz Morevna Edition. This version delivers fixes for two critical issues:

  • Fix incorrect behavior of graphic tablets. The incorrect behavior was reported by many Windows an Linux users and this turned to be related with latest changes to the tablet code. Since this part of code  requires some additional work and testing, we have reverted the  tablet code to the status of version 1.1.3.x for now.
  • Fix insensitive alpha parameter in Style Editor. In previous version we’ve got a bug which was preventing to change alpha parameter in Style Editor. This bug was related with Advanced Color Selector feature and does not affects official version of OpenToonz. It is fixed now.
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43 Responses

  1. Nice! Even the mesh-skeleton-building crash issue has been fixed it seems! However, now I’m experiencing a completely different issue: delayed selection / clicking of specific things if operating via tablet, such as the skeleton built via plastic tool itself for animation.

    1. Great to know it solves some problems for you. ^__^ Can you please record a video about delayed selection problem (I cannot completely understand what do you mean).

          1. Okay, so this is what happens:

            First, the previous file which I had a skeleton already built and animated with the plastic tool is crashing upon opening with this build. So I created a different file and tried to recreate the skeleton here.

            It selects, but only… sort of. When I try to select a node by a tap, it doesn’t seem to want to select it, and only warps around the node that was already selected before. To select a different node I have to hover, then press middle-click, and THEN click and drag. So that seems like an extra step, but at least it’s functional than before.

          2. It is really sad to hear that your previous file is crashing. This shouldn’t happen – we only modified code that related with tablet. Ah, we also modified some code related with alpha channel in Style Editor, but it shouldn’t influence as well.

            About the tap-click issue. Does the same happens with for you?

          3. Either something’s changed in my system or something, or I may have made a mistake. It seems that even the middle-clicking tap thing works on older builds (1.1.3), but it neither works on this recent build nor special build. At all. Middle-clicking also doesn’t seem to help, which is why I have to resort to the mouse.

            Strange. :/

  2. I got the new version but I don’t have the advance Color Picker. Opentoonz recognizes that it is 1.2.0 .2 version

    1. I have the same problem I don’t know how to attach an image of it but it is not an option for me and I am running 64 bit on windows 10. Please let me if I can send any more info and thanks for all of you’re hard work to improve it’s functionality! Does it matter what type of level I am working on?


        1. I am sorry it took so long to see this. That link you sent fixed my problem. Thank you so much for all of the work you are doing to make this program better-you make the world a better place!

  3. excuse me , my friend has downloaded opentoonz morevna edition 32bit version, when i open it and the program close automically(crash), without any error pop up.

    here is her computer spec :
    (img) :

  4. Hi! The new update has helped tremendously on some issues I was having before the update. But I recently imported a short gif into the program so I could retrace it and make it look nicer, and now OP won’t load the animated file with the gif. And then even more recently, it’s been crashing a lot, I can open OT and draw a little bit, but after a few brush strokes, it just crashes and I can’t do any work on it. Does OT usually glitch out when a gif is imported (or loaded) into it?

        1. Should I just save my work and uninstall it? I realized I have the 32-bit version instead of the 64-bit for my 64-bit operating system, would that make a difference for how it runs?

      1. Ok, I redownloaded the proper version of OT, and it was working just fine for a while (aside from the files with the gifs I imported, those still don’t work, but I’ve stopped worrying about it), but just recently, it started crashing again shortly after I open up the animation. Is there something I can do to fix this?

  5. Hey, i have a small problem woth OT. I’ve had this problem since i downloaded OT Morevna for the first time. If i try to use anything else than the “No Brush” mode in the raster brushes it doesn’t use a brush it just makes a dot on the workspace and doesn’t draw nothing. Is there some way to fix this? I’ll post my PC’s specs if that has something to do with it. Intel Xeon E3-1270, Nvidia Quadro 2000, 8GB RAM. Please help me if you can.

  6. Ok, I left my animation to do a different animation, and when I opened up the first one again (a few minutes later), several of the keyframes in the timeline were red instead of white and the lines and coloring that were in the red keyframes went missing, and it’s only on few of the layers as well, is there a way I can recover my animation back?

    1. Hello! Unfortunately, this is a bug that appears in current version of OpenToonz when you have “Use XSheet as animation sheet” option enabled. When this option is enabled, then all frames with letter suffixes (i.e. A0001a, A0001b, ..) will not load correctly.

      First of all, I recommend to disable “Use XSheet as animation sheet” option: go to “File” -“Preerences” – “Drawing” and set “Autocreation” to anything other than “Use XSheet as animation sheet”.

      You can recover your animation. Just open your project directory, go to “extras” subdir and find files with letter suffixes (i.e. A.0001a.tif, A.0002b.tif, etc.). then rename them to something which do not have letter suffixes: i.e. A.0001a.tif -> A.0009.tif. After that place renamed files into timeline (instead of the red ones).

      I hope that helps,

  7. Using a 2015 apple iMac with OSX 10.13.4 (High Sierra) and every time I quit the Morevna edition of OT (very 1.2.02) it seems to quit just fine. Except that I always get a dialog that says that OpenToonz unexpectedly quit.

    And in the “OpenToonz” menu (when the app is running) the Quit command is greyed out and unelectable.

  8. Opentoonz keeps bugging out despite the update. I don’t know if others have it but every time I try to do something, after its been open for more than 10 minutes it’ll start freezing and won’t respond. Is there any way that can be fixed?

  9. Anytime I load an image into OpenToonz, there’s a border around the image when it pops in and the image won’t show outside the box, is there a way around that I i can freely move my images around?

      1. I submitted it to you on Github titled “Images won’t go outside it’s border”. Hope this helps clarify what I mean

  10. will this may be dumb to ask, though i would like to know if this version has an MOV file to chose instead of AVI. I would like to know before i download this version of Opentoonz

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