Community Call: Soldiers models

2012-09-20 EDIT: The call is closed.

See details


2012-08-20 / EDIT: The deadline is extended until the September 20th!


Hey, everyone!

There was so much response about our previous call, so we decided that it will be bad to waste your attention just on two models.

Let me explain the situation. Right at the moment there are some artists working on the model of Ivan. No one is working on Morevna yet. EDIT: And now Morevna in the work too. But the thing is that we will be able to accept only one model of Ivan and only one model of Morevna. And at the same moment I keep receiving mails from awesome people kindly offering their help for the project. If we will have 4-5 people working on one model and just one of them finally credited, then it will be waste of resources, that will be unfair and kind of disrespectful to the Blender community. Of course, the target of our call was not only to get models, but also to find people who we can attract to the project in the future when the time will come. And of course, some people taking this work to (im)proove their skills and as result we will have amount of CC-licensed content available around. But still, for many of artists mention in the credits, the fact that their model is accepted and used is a very important as motivation.

That’s why we’re taking the moment to post the another call, which will extend the opportunities to participate.

I’m talking about soldier models. Right now we have a basic soldier model, created by Erik Castillo:

You can download it here:

But for Morevna Project Demo we will need a lot of more soldiers to appear. The idea is to create 5-6 variations of this basic soldier. For example, change the body constitution, cloth elements, head shape, hairs – everything in your hands! In the Demo the soldiers play a role of punky bandits at some meaning. So you can free your imagination and the variations could be quite radical or funny.

Please look at the wiki page for more information about soldiers.

So, all you need is to download the model above, play with it and send it back to us! Easy, fun and safe. ^__^

This idea to attract the community for creating soldier models is surely not belongs to me – I have stolen it from the Durian project. Although in case of Durian the idea didn’t worked as expected, I think in our case it could work because the low-poly models are enough for us and we have no such demands as “photo-realism”, “high resolution textures”, etc. We will use models in long-distance shots only – that’s why it’s ok to keep them low-polygonal and low-detailed.

The cool thing about soldiers task: in case of Morevna and Ivan models we can accept only one (best) work. But in case of soldiers we have no limit in accepting results. 5 or 6? More? No problem! So the probability of model to be accepted and you get credit is much higher. The only requirement is the quality of the model. ^__^

Models are expected to be:

Just in case if it wasn’t clear in previous call, I will outline few important moments:

  • We can’t offer any monetary compensation for the models – everyone is working at Morevna Project Demo on a voluntary basis at the moment.
  • If the model gets accepted then we guarantee the mention in the credits. Please note, that in order to be accepted your model should be provided under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution license. It means that you don’t mind if your model will be used/reused/modified in this or any other project as long as you are mentioned (credited) you as an author.

The models are accepted before August 15th.

So, join our efforts! Army MorevnaProject wants you! Contact us!

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11 Responses

  1. i will reiterate… you can use MakeHuman project for quick development.

    we are ready to offer help to the artists…
    with makehuman, you can
    1 quickly model characters
    2 export
    3 model is pre rigged
    4 sample texture provided (diffuse, normal etc)

  2. Hi, abhifx!
    Sorry for late answer, I’ll repost my answer here just in case:
    There is a various problems related with MakeHuman usage in our project. First of all, we don’t need such anatomy detailed model – we need a stylized characters. Also there will be a cloth simulation problem, which we want to avoid by any means.
    Finally, MakeHuman have weird mesh license – . I believe it’s not free (as freedom) and for sure it’s not compatible with Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

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