0.16372186 BTC (~$7500) donated for production of Pepper&Carrot Motion Comic!

I am thrilled to announce that we’ve got donation of 0.16372186 BTC (~$7500 as of the day of the transaction) for production of Pepper&Carrot Motion Comic!

The donation is made by Stephen Paul Weber of jmp.chat. It’s hard to describe how I am excited… SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR THAT, you are AWESOME!

With this donation we can continue production of Pepper&Carrot Episode 3 (which was interrupted due to unpleasant events) and produce at least one more episode! Which one? We’ll decide soon!

Right now I am transferring the donated money to our OpenCollective page, as I would like to keep transparency of our production – you will be able to see how funds are used, in detail. (Also, it was a good excuse to setup a way to donate Bitcoin links directly to our OpenCollective page – now this can be done through this link).

Again, MUCH THANKS to Stephen Paul Weber for supporting our project and production of Pepper&Carrot Motion Comic! Right now my team is preparing to start working again (and I am also preparing to expand the team itself, as we can produce two episodes in parallel now). Stay tuned for more updates!

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