Scene 12 – Animatic
Here’s the animatique for the 12th scene of demo. The original 6 positions of human figure were drawn in Pencil. That allows us to set timing properly and to get the idea of the motion in general. Then we imported keyframes in Synfig Studio and
Demo – Scene 24
Denis has managed to assemble all parts of the 24th scene into his first animation for this project. I suppose some of our readers are already saw this katana. The background is kindly provided by Carlos López González.

Character profile: Ivan “Tsarevitch”
Gender: Male. Age: 18. Height: 1,75 m. Hairs: Orange. Eyes: Green. Zodiac sign: Leo. Formula: “Shake it, break it, fix it, take it”.

Working studio
Morevna Project finally got its own apartments, where the production of the demo will take place. The whole space is 70 square meters, we have two working rooms, one rest room and kitchen. For now there are just three working places. Not a Blender Institute

Katana Model
A 3D model of Marya Morevna’s katana was created for scene 24 of demo storyboard. Download original model: katana.blend. License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.

Helicopter 3D model
Here’s layout of helicopter. The model is not completely tuned, but it already could be used. Other stuff could be fixed during the animation process. Helicopter state is controlled by IPO drivers. Watch it in action: ipo-drivers-demo.ogg.

Character profile: Marya Morevna
Gender: Female. Age: 20. Height: 1,59 m. Hairs: Violet. Eyes: Blue. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. Formula: “Do what you will, go where you want & take care of everything”.
Take a look into my bright eyes
This is a kind of “proof of concept” for me. Is Synfig Studio really capable to produce anime? I think it is. Only Open Source tools were used while its creation. Video is licensed under: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Animation sources are available is born
Morevna Project got its own website. And here we are starting an official blog to keep people informed about project progress. We would like to thank for providing a hosting for us. Happy birthday,!