Another week passed by. The activity in the project increasing and there are lots of things I want to share today.
First of all, we are happy to get two participants joined our community call for vectorization. Don’t be distracted by the small number of participants. I should say – even one person can make a significant difference and even a little help with such a big job is significant. I want to give a special mention to Yu Chen – he is working very intensively. We are very happy he is joined our efforts.
This week we got first submission of soldier variation by Marco Antonio Real Adame. He is joined our soldiers community call on July 21st and yesterday have presented his work (see soldier-2.blend file in repository). Now he took the task to animate his model for shot 07. Let’s see how this will turn out!
Isn’t that guy is charming one? ^_^ Still I haven’t played with render settings yet…
Also the work on Ivan and Morevna models is still on the way and we already got some awesome results. But I should handle myself to announce final decisions on August 15th.
Nikolay did a great work by vectorizing all keyframes of Ivan for shot 20. Now they are pending for my review. I have been doing some vectorization too, as well as administration routines. Also, I managed to do one more important thing (that surely should have been done earlier) – set up the colorchart for the main characters. Now its possible to use common colorchart files for vectorized artwork (I hope to to post video about that soon).
And finally, good news for everyone who got “more than $100” rewards from our donation campaign – the promised goodies are finally packaged and sent! My apologies for taking it so long. The tracking numbers will be provided by e-mail on personal basis.
That’s all for today. Have an awesome week, everyone!

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