How to work with sources of Pepper & Carrot Episode 6
So, you want to dig into sources of Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic but don’t know where to start? Here is a quick manual for you!
So, you want to dig into sources of Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic but don’t know where to start? Here is a quick manual for you!
The Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic is released now! We are happy to publish versions in English and Russian at the same day of public
So, we have a poster now! And it’s time to announce the dates for premiere of Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic! ☆ June 5, 2017
Several weeks ago we already announced a winners of our voicing contest for English voicing of Pepper & Carrot. Now I am happy to introduce
This is the credits scroll for upcoming Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic (both English and Russian version). To all contributors and sponsors: please take your
As I have mentioned earlier, in additional to English version of Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic we will release Russian version as well. And now
The premiere of Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic is quickly approaching! And at current stage of production we are ready to accept translations for subtitles.
Much thanks to all contributors! Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic goes in production! Visit campaign page
Animation artist of our studio Nikolai Mamashev presented a quick demonstration video, made from two artwork panels of Pepper and Carrot web-comic by David Revoy.
A few weeks ago our studio artist Nikolai Mamashev published two blender models (rigs), based on original characters from the «Pepper & Carrot» open-source web-comic