Progress Report #27 – Sunday Streams
Hi everyone! Some news about my progress. I have started working on animatic for Morevna Episode 2. By the moment got first 30 shots done.
Hi everyone! Some news about my progress. I have started working on animatic for Morevna Episode 2. By the moment got first 30 shots done.
Remember I promised some cool announcement in my last report? So, here it goes!
Production process of Morevna Episode 2 will be public.
That means anyone will be able to access all content, all working files, all stuff while we are working on episode. So, anyone will be able to follow and learn from our working process.
Here are the stages of creation Morevna’s dress concept from my recent report. Artwork by Anastasia Mayzhegisheva.
( Read in Rusian | Читать по-русски ) Long time no see! Oh, summer, summer – the time of hot days, rest and vacations! This
In parallel with production of Morevna episode 4, we also working on storyboard of episode 2. For storyboarding process we are testing a cool open-source
For the past few months there are lot of awesome news were posted on our blog. But there is one thing that left out uncovered