On February 25 the KinoPoisk platform has released the new animated series – “Nevskiy”. We have participated in production of this project as a chief animation studio. The series is consists of 6 episodes, the length of one episode is approximately 14 mins.
The story tells about superhero of Saint Petersburg city – Nevsky, who stands as the last line of defense against a resurgent evil. Ages ago, Nevsky and legendary warriors of myth prevented the invasion of Mor, a conqueror of worlds. But darkness never truly sleeps and nowadays Mor’s forces stir once more, threatening to engulf the Earth. Nevsky and his young fellows must rise to the challenge. Can this legendary hero and his companions defend their homeland, or will the world succumb to the void?
The project is commissioned by “Global Influencers” Joint-Stock Company, with the funding of the “Institute for Internet Development” Non-Profit (ANO “IRI”). In the process of working on the series, we actively used open-source tools – Krita, Blender, Kitsu, Synfig, OpenToonz (Morevna Edition), RenderChan.
The full series is available on the KinoPoisk platform under standard subscription.