Hello, everyone, guess what day today is? Today is an anniversary of Morevna Project!
Hard to believe – it’s 7 years passed by since I wrote a first post on this blog! Many awesome things happened, many changes and many things still ahead. Personally for me this day is a good reason to look at myself back then, remember what I was thinking about and what I was believing into. Great feeling!
To celebrate this date we are (once again) updating the look of our website. I hope you like it!

And here I invite you to enjoy a small comics from Anastasia Majzhegisheva, made especially for this day (sorry, it’s in Russian – we’re still eagerly welcome for translators! ^__^” ). Thank you, Anastasia!
4 Responses
First, Happy Birthday!! 😀
I really didn’t know that this project have been started waaaay long ago and it’s really good to reach this far, along with Synfig Studio’s first release and fourth episode’s production, i think last year was some of the biggest achievements. I haven’t watch the last three episodes though, i don’t know where to find it :/ .
Also, about Synfig Studio’s development. I know i’m too impatient for the OpenGL update (and really curious), but what is the status ? Like, the percentage of the next version’s development……?
But that doesn’t matter too much. Again, congratulations for the 7th anniversary and wish you all good luck and great success to Morevna Project, Synfig Studio, and Render-Chan!!! (haven’t seen any news about her by the way)
Cheers!! 🙂
Thank you for the kind words and apologies for such a terrible delay with a reply!
Actually, the episode we producing is the first one (if you won’t take the Demo into account). Yes, it is numbered as fourth (well, now we have changed its number to third ^__^”), but it is a trick – we don’t release episodes in order. You can read more about it here – http://morevnaproject.org/2012/11/19/global-production-strategy/