Realistic portrait of Guy-In-Black
Inspired by the recent fanart from Ksenija Kuzjaeva, Anastasia brings a realistic portrait of Guy-In-Black character. More variants of this work and source KRA files are available in the artwork archive.

ChameleonJohn provides sponsorship for Morevna Project
This week the guys from ChameleonJohn kindly provided a special sponsorship for our project. The mission of ChameleonJohn team is to help people save money on their online purchases by providing a list of actual promo codes and discounts. Unlike other similar resources, they’re taking

Shot 60: From static to animation (timelapse)
In this video you can see a part of our working process of composing static artwork images into animation file. In the beginning you can briefly see the usage of Transformation Masks feature of Krita. We use it to split artwork into parts non-destructively (very

Character concept: Marya Morevna
One more concept image of Marya Morevna from Anastasia Majzhegisheva. Get source KRA files

Fanart by Stas Kholodilin
We’ve got a fanart from Stas Kholodilin, depicting the cybernetic version of our main hero.

Interview for LibreGraphicsWorld
Alexandre Prokoudine from LibreGraphicsWorld published an interview with me, where you can read some interesting details, like our plans for voicing in other languages. Interview was translated into English, you can read it here – http://libregraphicsworld.org/blog/entry/morevna-planeta-crowdfunding-campaign Just to avoid confusions I would like to put

Sister-Doctor concept
Anastasia Majzhegisheva brought a revamped concept of Sister-Doctor character. And, yeah, now she have a name – we call her Rosa! Nice to meet you. ^__^ And here are a few WIP snapshots: Download source KRA file

Working on shot 70
Quick leak from our working process: Ivan is already got down to the cellar. The ancient evil will be unleashed in the next 99 seconds…

Fanart by Alexander Syamro
Thanks to Alexander Syamro for two fanart images about Marya Morevna and Ivan Tsarevich. Painted using MyPaint 1.1.

Guy-In-Black by Lidiya Kolesnikova
Lidiya Kolesnikova made a fanart of the most mysterious character of our story – Guy-In-Black.

Presentation of Morevna Project for Russian crowdfunding
Here’s a pitch video for our Russian crowdfunding campaign, that we have started the other week. The campaign is launched to produce the high-quality Russian soundtrack for upcoming episode, which will be done in collaboration with “Reanimedia Ltd.” In the pitch video you can see