Pepper & Carrot: Production Report #2 / Cooperation with Reanimedia Ltd.

I am excited to announce that we made an agreement with dubbing studio of «Reanimedia Ltd.» to collaborate on sound works for upcoming Pepper & Carrot Motion Comic! According to agreement, Reanimedia will do all voice recording for Russian dub and also take care on final mix for both Russian and English versions.

Reanimedia logo, a property of «Reanimedia Ltd.» company.

The recording studio of Reanimedia Ltd. is well-known to most anime fans in Russia for the work on dubbing such titles as «Evangelion», «The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya», «Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann», and many others. The main declared objective of the company is to distribute Russian editions of notable anime titles that approach Japanese standards of image quality, packaging and additional materials. You can read more on Wikipedia or visit official website.

By this moment Reanimedia already provided first draft with Russian voicing. You can listen its part in the sound sample below. The full voicing draft is available for our premium patrons within the production snapshot.


[hide-pepper-6 bg=”” overlay=”youtube”]


Please note, that animation in this snapshot is pretty much outdated (approximately for two months). This is because the sound works are generally lag behind of the main animation production. Stay tuned for the most recent version in the next production report!

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