We’ve got a first draft of professional voicing for upcoming episode of Morevna! Check out a sample videos attached to this post.
The professional Russian voicing for the new Morevna episode is produced thanks to success of our Russian crowdfunding campaign in January 2016. The voicing is recorded at the dubbing studio of Reanimedia Ltd. under direction of Alexander Filchenko, who is also took the role of the main villain – Koschei the Deathless.
The role of the main protagonist Ivan Tsarevich is played by Vasilij Shumskij and Ljudmila Gus’kova acts for Marya Morevna.
The complete voicing draft is available for our premium patrons in the production preview below.
Again, much thanks to everyone who supported our crowdfunding campaign for professional Russian voicing and made this possible!
Note: All videos of this post are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0.