Production Report #3

Hello everyone! It’s time for another production update. But first, let me welcome new Patrons who joined our Patreon page:

Thomas Daede, Terry Hancock, Noble Hays – thank you for supporting Morevna Project!

OK, so what we’ve got for the past two weeks? Oh, yeah – we’ve been busy! First of all, we have finally published the second release candidate of Synfig Studio 1.0, with the new Cutout Tool and other fixes. And I can tell more: the third release candidate is almost here – binary packages are just finished baking and ready to upload (the upload procedure takes around 12 hours, by the way).

Synfig Studio 1.0 RC2. Sample artwork by Anastasia Majzhegisheva.
Synfig Studio 1.0 RC2. Sample artwork by Anastasia Majzhegisheva.

Maintaining of Synfig takes a lot of time, but I am still trying to catch up with the storyboard and animatic work (see my previous report about the workflow). By this moment I have managed to pass through the first half of the whole episode, reaching the moment where Ivan meets our main villain – Koschei.

Storyboard page
Storyboard page

Meanwhile, my teammates Nikolai Mamashev and Anastasia Majzhegisheva started developing concept and color decision for the first scenes. They take my crappy drafts and filling them with the details. After that the detailed drafts are painted with the color to give an idea about the final look.

Concept for scene 60 by Nikolai Mamashev
Concept for scene 60 by Nikolai Mamashev
Color decision for scene 60 by Nikolai Mamashev
Color decision for scene 60 by Nikolai Mamashev
Detailed storyboard drafts by Nikolai Mamashev
Detailed storyboard drafts by Nikolai Mamashev
Color decision by Anastasia Majzhegisheva
Color decision by Anastasia Majzhegisheva

At the same time, Anastasia made several line-art drafts for the approved scenes. Below you can see some of them.

Lineart artwork by Anastasia Majzhegisheva
Lineart artwork by Anastasia Majzhegisheva

And a few more.[hide3]

Lineart artwork by Anastasia Majzhegisheva
Lineart artwork by Anastasia Majzhegisheva
Scene 11. Work in progress.
Scene 11. Work in progress.

So, this is how the things are going. At the end of my report I would like to share a short video, where you can see how our team is working when we gather together at the studio. Thanks to the Slim band for the soundtrack!

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4 Responses

  1. Yeah!! Progress!! 😀

    Thanks a lot for the behind the scene video, i was curious about the animation creation process and this is just great. Looking forward for more of it (voicework, probably) if it’s fine. And the animation as well.

    Also, what is the improvement of the third RC ?
    I did tried the second one and it was much better than the first. But it still have the partial workspace GUI bug where the partial window went blank and can’t be closed after you divided them from single window display and change the workspace profile (the zombie window), and some more bugs that i know take a lot of time to fix (random crashes, etc).

    And, uhmmm……. RenderChan’s progress…….

    I really apologize for these bunch of questions. You don’t need to answer them all now, no need to rush. It’s just since you post a new blog post i think it is the right time to ask them.

    And again, wish your team a lot of success on your animation project.

    Cheers 🙂

    1. Thank you for the kind words! Yes, creating a video about the voicework is a good idea. But I think it will take place when we get closer to the finish of the episode. At the moment we are working with the draft soundtrack.

      Here, we have published an official announcement for RC3, with the full list of changes –

      And yes, we haven’t had any progress with RenderChan last weeks. But this is on our TODO list. ^__^

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