I am happy to announce that Morevna Project have a Patreon page now! If you like our work, then you can support us by providing the small monthly payments through the Patreon platform.

Here’s a quick video explaining how Patreon works:
The money collected through our Patreon page will go directly to Morevna Project and help us to do what we doing – improve open-source tools, make more tutorials, create more assets and, of course, get faster with production. The more support we get – the more goodies we will be able to deliver for you. On the Patreon page we also set up a list of milestones to give you an idea about the expected impact. Check it out!
Through the Patreon page we also going to provide an additional benefits for our supporters, like an early access to the production data and other extras. The additional rewards are to be added soon and will be announced separately. Stay tuned for updates on our blog!
We appreciate if you share the link to our Patreon page with your friends (if that will be interesting to them).