Papagayo packages for Windows

For a long time we have received many requests to provide Papagayo packages for Windows. I am aware about the Papagayo 2.0 bump from original developers, and I am considering to port the changes of our custom version of Papagayo into their version as soon as possible. Unfortunately, right now I’m busy with other priorities, so it’s very hard to tell when this actually will be done.

Papagayo screenshot (Windows)
Papagayo screenshot (Windows)

But there is a good news! As a result of our recent collaboration with some small animation studio of Novosibirsk, we have come up with a build of Papagayo, which is works for Windows. The build is pretty crappy, but it is working.

Download Papagayo for Windows

Note: To start the application, unpack the archive and run the “papagayo.bat” file.

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5 Responses

  1. Wow, it’s great. I love it despite the present state. Was just requesting if the french language could be incorporated.

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