Storyboard for Morevna Episode 2 (version 2)
We have published an updated version of Morevna Episode 2 storyboard. You can download it here. You might think that storyboard is something what is finalized at pre-production stage. But this is not really true. As production goes (on animatic or animation stage) we often

Storyboard template
I am happy to share with you the storyboard template that we use in our production. We use this template for a clean storyboard document which is forwarded to the animators group. Download template Here are a few notes on how to use the template.

How to convert animation from Krita to OpenToonz – Part 1
New tutorial of Morevna School, first part of our “Coloring animation in OpenToonz” course.

Morevna Episode 4 in English
Morevna Episode 4 is (finally!) available in English! Enjoy!

Invitation to watch: “Nevskiy” animated series
On February 25 the KinoPoisk platform has released the new animated series – “Nevskiy”. We have participated in production of this project as a chief animation studio. The series is consists of 6 episodes, the length of one episode is approximately 14 mins. The story

RenderChan 1.0-alpha3 released!
We are happy to present you with a new version of RenderChan, which adds support for nested projects, improves support for various video formats, and fixes several critical performance bugs. You can download the latest version for Windows and Linux here. Features 1. Nested configuration