“Morevna” is a open-source anime series, based on traditional Russian fairy-tale and created with free software. In this episode the beautiful princess Marya Morevna leaves to a biker meeting. Her beloved one Ivan Tsarevitch stays in her mansion alone, just to discover dark secrets right under his foots…
Made with free software
This work is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 license. You are free to share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform) this work for any purpose, even commercially as long as you comply to licensing terms.
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★Boudewijn Rempt ★Gregory Carlson ★
★ Jared Sloane (Revouchers)★
★Jónatan Nilsson★ Klaatu Einzelgänger ★
★ Maciej Pendolski★Sam Tuke ★
★Thomas Daede★
★Andy Kittner ★ Antonio Roberts ★
★ Arne Brix ★Chris Sakkas★
★Christopher Covington★David Revoy ★ Douglas Hammond★
★ freecultureftw★Gabriel ★ Heesung Yang ★ Jacob Lockey ★
★ John Colagioia★Julia Velkova ★ Kevin Wilcoxon★
★ Marco Sousa ★ Matija Nalis★Mercurial Spectre ★
★ Mike Linksvayer ★ Nataly Novak ★
★ Nicholas J Reed★Noble Hays ★ notklaatu ★ Pato Acevedo ★
★Robin Moussu ★ Sami Mattila★Sean Hickey ★
★Sebastian Riedel ★ Sergej Martynov ★
★Terry Hancock (Personal)★That Vegan Berry★
★ Urm ★ Yalyn Vinkindo★
Crowdfunding sponsors
★Peter Syrtchenkov★Oleg Shchepetinshchikov ★
★ Konstantin Kitmanov★Michael Sinitsyn★
★Nikita Zuev aka nikitazu★Иван Ларин★
Андрей Бодяжин ★ Сергей Дорогань ★
★И.В. Степанов★Kolan Sh ★ KaiTen★