Good day everybody, it’s the main artist is in touch – Anast… Oh, it’s neither Anastasia nor even an artist. Stas Kholodilin shows and tells. What do you mean, who am I? Well, I’m… Ehrm… Well that guy, the one who directed Pepper&Carrot motion comic.
From the previous reports you know that we are working on Morevna comic. Currently, we have 60 draft pages and about 10 of them with a final outline (without backgrounds). It’s all we need to start… to start what? Yeah, you’re right. It’s time for animatic of the second episode! Hurrah! And this is what I was busy with last weeks.
I’ve been working on it little by little since the beginning of February, so here is a batch of ins and outs.

First, what I want to point out – the main director and I came to the conclusion that the series will be slightly different from the comic. This is due to the narrative format. In animation, we simply cannot convey events as capaciously as in the comic. Therefore, you can expect additional scenes and views, and perhaps even plot changes. 🙂

The second fact is that, when creating the animatic, I use AI to generate backgrounds, since they have not been drawn yet. It saves a lot of time and efforts and helps us get an idea of how well everything would flow together visually. Further these BGs will be used as reference for the main artist. Here are some generated pictures from the current animatic.
By the way, we came to understand, where the events of Morevna series take place. It’s our hometown – Gorno-Altaysk, Republic of Altay, Russia! From now on, we will use the exterior of our lovely town as a reference for the future scenes.

Thirdly, in addition to the animation itself, I am also looking for background music. I’ll tell you something – I’ve already found a CC-0 music with Altai-ish notes, which fits almost perfectly with the events taking place in the series, but that’s a story for another day! I won’t give you the music track now, but here’s a car for you, which will be a stuntcar for Ivan’s car in the animatic. :p

That’s all for today, I get back to work, thank you for your support, take good care of yourself and see you soon in next reports!
One Response
Ni! Cool, keep up, and take care. 🙂