Quick update for Synfig fellows. Just a few weeks ago we have published redesigned frontpage for www.synfig.org. Now its Jekyll-managed source is available in public GitHub repository!
Repository link: https://github.com/synfig/www.synfig.org
Please feel free to submit your changes via pull requests.
P.S. At the moment changes from GitHub repository pushed to production website manually (by me), so the changes aren’t reflected immediately. I plan to make this automatic in the future. Also, it would be nice to add multilanguage support (via jekyll-multiple-languages-plugin?).
2 Responses
Hey Konstantin, it looks like something is wrong with the synfig.org Website. For me it only shows the text on a white background and this is on multiple of my systems including laptop and smartphone. I hope it is ok to tell you here because it’s been like this for a while now and nothing changed so I thought you might not have noticed it.
Hello Jonas! Thank you very much for dropping a note – I was not aware about the problem. It should be fixed now. ^__^