In the context of our work on the new episode of Morevna we have asked our developer Ivan Mahonin to implement an integration of Synfig Studio with Papagayo lipsync software. This feature is ready now and available in the latest development builds of Synfig. We have recorded a quick video tutorial to demonstrate it in action. Enjoy!
4 Responses
Appimage dont work on my Manjaro system (with KDE)
Best Regards
Thanks for reporting. This problem will be fixed soon. You can track changes here:
Hello, I’m using a MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6.
I’ve followed the tutorials on how to incorporate papagayo files into synfig but I can’t drop the image files into the papagayo generated files. The drag works but the drop doesn’t. This means that papagayo doesn’t integrate. Please can you tell me how to fix this or point me to where I can find this information out?
Thank you.