Some thoughts on releasing and distribution

I know it’s a little bit early for that, but people often ask me if and how are we going to publish results of Morevna Project (besides putting them online for downloading). Not much time ago my answer was a bit fuzzy – of course, when we finish the Demo, we would like to offer it on some kind of DVD medium, with all sources and maybe some other neat stuff… But for me it wasn’t clear yet how to organize all this. I mean all this printing and publishing stuff – that require some investigation and… well, certain contacts.  That’s why my answer was always finished with the phrase “We can’t promise anything for now.” ^__^

When I was at LGM, I have met Timothée Giet (aka Animtim). He is totally awesome person, very passionate about open-source software and free culture. When we talked about Synfig and Krita he presented me his “Making Comics with Krita” DVD. I took a chance to discuss with him some details related to publishing such kind of medium and he have offered his help with DVD production works. It’s very good, as he already have the Krita DVD as his track record. Another thing that I wanted to produce besides the DVD – an artbook with our production data.  Timothée offered to take on laid-out/typeset works for artbook (with Scribus). So, looks like the things are clearing here – most probably we are going to  have a disc and an artbook.

Also, there is an interesting initiative comes from Terry Hancock – director of upcoming Lunatics web series, he also have made a lot of work on screenplay translation for our project. He brings out the initiative to create the DRM-free standard for digital film distribution – LibRay. The idea is to use free-software solutions to build the media standard similar to DVD/BluRay and provide a common way for distributing free-culture works in HD (without all this copy-protection stuff, of course).  Right now they are gathering some funds through Kickstarter campaign. There’s less than 3 days left to the deadline and if they will reach their goal we might have another interesting solution for distributing our results…

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