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Last week an important milestone was reached – we have managed to close all white gaps in the Demo. That’s it, all backgrounds are in place now.
Though, some of background images are still pending for overpaint. There are seven of such left at the moment. I’m sure Nikolay will finish them before the end of this week – that will be our next milestone.
Among other achievements, we also have finished the work on shot 07 – a very complex shot where we have 3D turning camera. In such case we cannot directly do overpaint for backgrounds, because camera is floating in 3D space and background is always different. So we took existing overpainted image and unwrapped it as UV-texture right onto 3D model of battlefield. I was very worried about the result, because I wanted this shot to fit seamlessly with other 2D shots. Also, I wasn’t sure that single overpaint texture will be enough and we expected to draw additional overpaints for particular camera angles. But at the end it turned out that one texture is enough and after some neat compositing the result looks very well for my taste. I’m very happy about it. ^_^

Talking about Blender, I have to mention that when we migrated to Freestyle-enabled Blender we hit a strange issue – one particular file started to render upside-down. I wouldn’t pay much attention to this, since I always can flip the image during compositing. But then it turned out that on some systems (our main rendering server, for example) it renders fine, with no upside-down effect! After some investigation we found that the problem with incompatibility of different versions of OpenEXR library. So, our blender builds are fixed now, you can get them from software page, as usual.
Another thing to mention about software – is there someone out there who uses Remake (our lovely automated-rendering system)? Please note that we made a bunch of important fixes to it during the last few months and you are strongly encouraged to use development version. Most probably the new version will be released together with Morevna Demo.
What’s next? I’ll keep working on compositing, bringing the whole animation to the equal color feel and adding lightning effects. Also I will keep polishing the animation, fixing issues and adding the particles effects. Another target for this week will be doing extra work on 3D vehicles. That’s the plan. See you next week!
2 Responses
19 days to go! Come on! ^__^
I’ll be very excited to see that moving 3D shot with the UV-unwrapped texturing. That sounds cool!