P  R  O  J  E  C  T

We are animation studio that helps to improve free/libre/open-source software and popularize its principles and values.

Technology and values

The mission of Morevna Project is improvement and popularization of open-source technologies for animation.

We are using open-source software to create animation works. As part of this process we are improving open-source animation software and helping people to learn creating animation using open-source tools.

Our animations are

Created with free software

We use free/open-source software to produce animation – Synfig Studio, OpenToonz, Krita, Blender, and others.

Licensed under Creative Commons

The results of our work are free to watch and distribute for everyone – released under the terms of Creative Commons license.

Available for remix

Animation sources are available for free download, so you can use them for learning, create remixes or re-sue in your own works.


Let’s stay in touch

Follow us on Mastodon and Telegram to get latest news about our projects!