“Morevna” is a open-source anime series, based on traditional Russian fairy-tale and created with free software. In this episode the beautiful princess Marya Morevna leaves to a biker meeting. Her beloved one Ivan Tsarevitch stays in her mansion alone, just to discover dark secrets right under his foots…
This work is licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 license. You are free to share (copy and redistribute) and adapt (remix, transform) this work for any purpose, even commercially as long as you comply to licensing terms.
This work is produced as Open-source film and complies to Ethic Cinema concept.
All sources are available for download and modification under the same license, as the work itself (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0).
In the Dub Pack you will get all audio separated into tracks, so you can easily edit/replace any part of it. Use this to create a dubbed version in your native language or do any other sound-related modifications – alternative music, sound effects, etc.
All source animation files are available for download, so you can use them for learning or re-use in your own works.
Thanks to community contributors, this episode is translated to many languages. We appreciate any help with translation to more languages. Join us at GitHub!
Written and directed by
Konstantin Dmitriev
Lead artist
Anastasia Mayzhegisheva
Creative Consultant
Nikolai Mamashev
Konstantin Dmitriev
Stas Kholodilin
Anastasia Mayzhegisheva
Frame-by-frame animation
Anna Erogova
Kseniya Popova
Assistant animators
Denis Kholodilin
Van Chatto
Coloring assistants
Mikhail Baklanov
Tamara Khudjakova
Anastasia Popova
Anna Erogova
Viktorija Popova
Jurij Molodyh
Sound design
Konstantin Dmitriev
Sergey Efremov (Strategic Music)
Ivan Tsarevich – Duffy Weber
Marya Morevna – Marielena Alcaraz
Koschei – Duffy Weber
Soldier – Duffy Weber
Production sound mix
Alexander Filchenko
Konstantin Dmitriev
This episode uses sounds from FreeSound.org
“Radio Static” by stondi
“Night cricket ambience.wav” by Abinash87
“whoosh04.wav” by FreqMan
“Door-Wooden-Squeak-0010.wav” by D W
“MotorbikeReving.wav” by mikaelfernstrom
“Electric Door” by lezaarth
“red whoosh gladiator 04.wav” by martian
“Tearing paper” by sphion
“scream_spear_submarine2.aiff” by thanvannispen
“Body_impact_wood.aiff” by MaxDemianAGL
“Pouring water 1” by DSPena
“Swoosh” by Shinplaster
“Scary” by rhapsodize
“rumble.wav”, “yell 1.wav” by Corsica_S
“Ripping Paper” by aldenroth2
“Electronic_Powerup.wav”, “SRS_Cinematic_Hit” by StephenSaldanha
“Bucket_Of_Scrap_Metal_Rattles.wav” by mickyman5000
“Stick-Swoosh Whoosh ” by Hitrison
“crow.wav” by nigelcoop
“cinderblockmove.wav” by j1987
“Explosion_01.wav” by tommccann
“scary-creaking-knocking-wood.wav” by MinigunFiend
“Horror_Ambience_Atmos-03.wav” by Headphaze
“WhooshToHit_03.wav” by RADIY
“in_sauna_2.wav” by elonen
“Protego.mp3” by joe93barlow
“MrM_Gas_Steam_Escape.wav” by mrmccormack
“Tennis racket_whoosh.wav” by speedygonzo
“Bird singing ambience 3:40 AM ” by Vihaleipa
“censor.wav” by zombie_expert
“Breaking Glass ” by ngruber
“Woosh 2.mp3” by XxChr0nosxX
“Light woosh.wav” by sophiehall3535
“Gravel Steps” by sunboy
“ANI Big Pipe Hit” by ani_music
“cartoon blinking” by zevcuk
“motorcycle passing on street.wav” by Agonda
“Squeaking Old Door Open 1” by DrZoom
“swoosh47.wav” by kwahmah_02
“Pouring water in a glass.wav” by ancorapazzo
“41.wav”, “33.wav” by y89312
“jawharp_boing.wav” by plingativator
“swoosh_02.wav” by TheSoundcatcher
“swoosh.wav” by vacuumfan7072
“Moving Something Heavy.wav” by RutgerMuller
“Punch.wav” by Bird_man
All other sound effects provided by Strategic Music (http://strategicmusic.com/).
Andy Kittner ★ Antonio Roberts ★ Arne Brix ★ Chris Sakkas
Christopher Covington ★ David Revoy ★ Douglas Hammond ★ freecultureftw
Gabriel ★ Heesung Yang ★ Jacob Lockey ★ John Colagioia
Julia Velkova ★ Kevin Wilcoxon ★ Marco Sousa ★ Matija Nalis
Mercurial Spectre ★ Mike Linksvayer ★ Nataly Novak ★ Nicholas J Reed
Noble Hays ★ notklaatu ★ Pato Acevedo ★ Robin Moussu ★ Sami Mattila
Sean Hickey ★ Sebastian Riedel ★ Sergej Martynov ★ Terry Hancock (Personal)
That Vegan Berry ★ Urm ★ Yalyn Vinkindo
Peter Syrtchenkov ★ Oleg Shchepetinshchikov ★ Konstantin Kitmanov
Michael Sinitsyn ★ Nikita Zuev aka nikitazu ★ Иван Ларин
Андрей Бодяжин ★ Сергей Дорогань ★ И.В. Степанов
Kolan Sh ★ KaiTen
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